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Grow Native

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The extreme cold this spring has killed or damaged many plants in our area and this is a golden opportunity to replace some of the “foreign” vegetation in your yard with good Missouri natives. The Missouri Department of Conservation and the Missouri Department of Agriculture have joined forces to promote the planting of native plants in a program known as “Grow Native”.

To access the information, you can visit www.grownative.org or visit a local MDC office (Burr Oak Woods in Blue Springs or the Discovery Center near the plaza). The program has a wealth information about plants, landscaping and sources for the products needed. They also have workshops in different parts of the state.

Landscaping with native plants just makes sense. They require less care because they are acclimated to our climate and soil types. Wildlife benefits because they have evolved with the seeds, nuts and fruit that native’s produce and pollinators are adapted to the flowering bodies.

By Mark McKellar