In 2004 the Missouri Department of Conservation and the University of Missouri Extension joined together to create the Missouri Master Naturalist (MMN) program. MMN is a group of ordinary citizens that dedicate their time to protecting, restoring and promoting education around Missouri’s natural resources.
Missouri Master Naturalist volunteers partner with other local organizations such as the Department of Conservation, Kansas City Wildlands, Missouri River Relief, Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary, Platte County Parks and Recreation and many other groups on a variety of initiatives. Some of these projects include water quality monitoring, river cleanup, surveying for endangered plants and wildlife, restoration and preservation of natural areas and honeysuckle removal.
Each volunteer goes thru 40 hours of initial classroom training, field trips and a capstone project. Then each volunteer commits to a minimum of 40 hours in volunteer service and 8 hours in additional training annually. Add it up and that is thousands of hours across the state dedicated towards ensuring the future of natural areas and resources for enjoyment by generations to come.
The Kansas City Missouri Master Naturalist group is known as the Osage Trails Chapter. If you would like more information on the MMN program in Kansas City please go to
By Mary Nemecek