I want to apologize for taking so long to write an article about the Platte Land Trust. I serve on the advisory board for this volunteer organization. The truth is that I did write a Conservation Corner once but the newsletter never got printed.
The Platte Land Trust is an all-volunteer organization with a mission of protecting land and natural resources for wildlife, farming, forests, historical importance, and parks and trails for the benefit of communities.
The PLT has been involved with many strong efforts over the years but none more important than a couple of projects going on right now. They recently launched an education effort to promote native landscaping and conservation minded yard management. The brochure is called Partner with Nature and is loaded with great information.
A living illustration of information from the brochure can be seen on the north side of Hwy 45 as you cross over Riss Lake. PLT led a partnership effort with the MO Master Naturalists, Platte Co. Parks & Rec. and the City of Parkville to plant two awesome Butterfly Gardens for people and pollinators to enjoy.
In June they led an effort to save an absolutely beautiful piece of remnant prairie very close to Kansas City. This piece of prairie has had the attention of the conservation community for many years but the sale of this property came about too quickly for larger organizations to get a purchase deal together. The Platte Land Trust was able to put together a deal with other conservation groups and saved the prairie from what would most assuredly been converted to crop land or a residential home site.
If you would like to get involved with this fine organization, visit their website (www.plattelandtrust.com) or pick up one of their brochures at the store. They will also be on hand at this year’s bird feeder cleaning day on October 17th in which all money raised will go to support their work.
By Mark McKellar