A few issues back I wrote about Important Bird Areas (IBAs). This is a program initiated by BirdLife International in Europe in the 1980s that has now identified over 8,000 sites in 178 countries as areas that are used by birds of “conservation concern”. Our closest IBA is the Iatan/Weston Bend River Corridor.
To help raise awareness of this important area, the Burrough’s Audubon Society is teaming with Weston Bend State Park, the city of Weston, MDNR, MDC and Audubon Missouri to bring us Wings Over Weston.
This event is free and takes place Saturday May 8th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the park’s Missouri River overlook and shelter areas.
The event is designed for families and individuals of all ages and occurs on International Migratory Bird Day. Booths and displays will include games and activities as well as live birds from Operation Wildlife. Visitors can learn the basics of bird watching and discover birds of the area on bird hikes for beginners.
Other activities will include a plant sale at the Mother’s Day Tent and a chance to make a bird feeder.
If you would like more information, you can contact the park office at (816) 640-5443.
By Mark McKellar